
Island Specialty Timbers IST recovers and sells whole logs, stumps and burls from Tasmania’s native special species, sourced from Permanent Timber Production Zone land (PTPZl) which is managed by Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT). 

Customers may select and purchase a log/s from the IST Geeveston stocks of blackwood, eucalypt, silver wattle, myrtle, celery-top pine and craft grade Huon pine. 

Premium quality logs and black-heart sassafras logs chosen for sale in tenders cannot be selected for direct purchase. 

Log prices, $ per cubic metre or tonne, from September 2023.

Huon pine - outspec logs $900 / t, stumps - $1200 / t, limbwood <120 mm diameter - $1800 / t

King Billy pine - all $1100 / t

Sassafras, black-heart - when available by quote

Blackwood Cat 4 SL $310, Utility grade $240,  Outspec $180

Silver Wattle Cat 4 SL $220, Utility grade $200, Outspec $150  

Featured Eucalypt - log $360,  Stumps - by quote

Eucalypt burls - less than 100 kg, $3 / kg.  more than 100 kg, $2 / kg.

Myrtle  - Cat 4 SL $310, Utility grade $240,  Outspec $180.

Burled Myrtle logs  $450     Myrtle burls - $5 / kg.

Celery-top pine Cat 4 SL $380, Utility grade $320, Outspec $285.  

Note: logs prepared to specific lengths attract an additional fee of $35 per tonne / m3. 

Any selected log or a log purchased from a tender can be milled at IST Geeveston on the Woodmizer bandsawmill and the timber can be racked for air and kiln seasoning; see 'Our Services' for likely costs.   

At intervals of one or two months selected premium quality logs are offered for sale by tender at IST Geeveston or less often at STT Strahan or STT Smithton.  See Tendering and the Current Tender section for news of current, past or future tenders.

IST Geeveston has stocks of celery-top pine poles from 150 mm - 300 mm diameter and in lengths from 3  - 11 metres.  Straight poles from about 200 mm in diameter and up to 6 metres in length can be milled into square or rectangular beams.

Pole prices $ / lineal metre (for a few selected sizes)  large end diameters mm,  150 - $25  /  200 - $30  /   250 - $35  /  300 - $40.  

Natural untreated poles can be used for internal building poles and beams.  Please be aware that the sapwood of celery-top pine logs and poles is not externally durable and can be targeted by native borers.  

Contact Mr Chris Emmett at chris.emmett@sttas.com.au or tel. 03 6295 7161 or 0419 998 452 to discuss your requirements and the likely costs.